Human rights activist to Lion News: The struggle of the Palestinian people and international solidarity can stop genocide

The head of the body of experts and advisors at the International Council in Support of Fair Trial and Human Rights (ICSFT), lawyer Jan Vermon, confirmed that the only thing that can truly stop genocide is the struggle of the peoples in the country where the genocide occurs, and international solidarity with these peoples, not institutions and decisions. International, stressing the need for concerted international efforts to punish the occupying entity for its crimes, as it is the most successful means to stop genocide crimes and eliminate the apartheid regime in Palestine.

In a statement to June News Agency on the sidelines of the Human Rights Council meetings in the Swiss city of Geneva, Yann Vermon explained that whatever institution or international body it is, it cannot ever stop genocide and gross violations of human rights, indicating that the only thing that can stop Genocide is truly the struggle of people, and international solidarity around the world, who are working to stop genocide.

Regarding the genocide in the Gaza Strip, Jan Vermon considered that the orders of the International Court of Justice will not stop the genocide, but rather the struggle of the Palestinian people on the one hand, and the boycott and sanctions actions, and the withdrawal of investments in the rest of the world, with the support of the peoples of the rest of the world.

In this context, Jan Vermon pointed out that international institutions represent a battlefield like other battlefields in this field, where those who want to stop genocide through these institutions face those who want it to continue or allow it to occur, and those who want to escape punishment.

He pointed out that the “American veto” in the United Nations Security Council obstructs all measures taken to stop this genocide, and pointed out, in return, that the United Nations General Assembly has restored its role in supporting the Palestinian people, in addition to supporting many countries that requested recognition of the Palestinian state. Welcome. The State of South Africa raised this issue before the International Court of Justice.

He stressed that despite the court's inability to stop this crime, the court's announcement of the existence of indications of genocide is very important to allow global public opinion to be mobilized to pressure their countries to impose sanctions on "Israel" and boycott it. “This is how South Africa finally overthrew the apartheid regime in South Africa because of the solidarity of the people,” he said.

He stressed the need to reactivate the Anti-Apartheid Committee established by the association
General Assembly of the United Nations at the time of apartheid in South Africa, which played a role in mobilizing people around the world to take action against South Africa.

On the other hand, Jan Vermon pointed out the policy of double standards followed at the international level, and pointed out in this context that Western countries immediately mobilized strong support for Ukraine and were pushing the Human Rights Council, for example, to take action with regard to Ukraine, but in return, while When it comes to Gaza, it is different, but he made it clear that this reality can be changed.”

He said: “We can change this through the actions of the people... by mobilization... by taking to the streets, demanding sanctions, applying pressure, and using all possible means... We have the political means to force our governments to pressure them to take action to stop the genocide in Gaza.” And to achieve the rights of the Palestinian people.”

He stressed the need to unite the efforts of defenders of the Palestinian people to pressure to impose sanctions, isolate the Israeli entity, and hold it accountable for its crimes.

Jan Vermon stressed the responsibility of all countries to take measures to stop the genocide in Gaza and to work in a way that ultimately achieves the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. He said: “Genocide must be prevented, the apartheid regime must be eliminated in and within Israel, both of which constitute a flagrant violation of international law.”

He stressed the need for all countries to bear their responsibilities, by imposing sanctions against the Israeli occupation entity, as it is the most successful means of stopping the crime of genocide committed in the Gaza Strip.

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